Developing A Dominant Personal Brand

In this digital era, developing a dominant personal brand is vital if you want to stand out from any crowd and start establishing yourself as an industry thought leader. There is so much content and constant noise on the internet that sometimes makes it hard for individuals to have their voice heard. So, what can you do to stand out from the crowd?

Your virtual presence and digital handshake leaves an impression everyday, and I am willing to bet that your brand wants to leave a good one. A personal brand is not just a projection of you, and what you do best; it’s those years of work, values, & strategies that enforce why you’re the ideal choice among your competitors. It all comes down to branding and marketing, but what exactly does that mean? 

It has to do with developing a dominant personal branding persona and reinforcing it – here are 3 steps you can take today to take your personal brand to the next level:

  1. Personalize your Personal Brand

Your personal brand says a lot about your business and the mission and values it holds dear. Branding isn’t solely about having a direction. Instead, it takes roots with a strong story and explains why you or your company exists. Storytelling is an art and a helpful way to communicate with your customers. However, there’s more to it than just your background; it’s an action plan that describes past failures, lessons, & actions taken to accomplish a mission or goal. Moving your fans and followers into customers requires direction and a set of values that actively describe who you are, what you’ve done, and what you hold close. In short, create your tale.

2. Brand to Your Niche & Target Audience

When you decide to brand yourself remember, there is always someone you are branding to –a niche set of customers or particular target audience. Keeping your personal branding story, values, and mission in mind – you need to satisfy and nurture your customer base. This requires you to get into your customers' shoes and break the traditional habits as you introduce a new way of doing things. You should market yourself or your offerings as a modern solution. Don’t just have an answer; take your consumers to the next step.

3. Have a Marketing Game Plan

Once you’ve got your values aligned and your niche specified, the next step becomes easy. Before buying, selling, connecting, or networking occurs, your audience must know who you are. You should focus on marketing where your audience is, how your solutions work particularly for them and most importantly – reinforcing your personal brand every step along the way. In short, having a game plan for marketing your offerings across various platforms such as IGTV, Facebook Live, & TikTok in the language your customers speak. 

Your personal brand is your identity, and the best branding approach you can take is the most authentic one. Before you got into selling, you too were a user – and that need or niche is where you need to establish your presence. Be the voice of your personal brand, market it authentically, and focus on outreach. You will soon find that all of your personal branding goals really are just a matter of when.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Positioning Your Personal Brand For Profit

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